
Archive for June, 2023

I rarely bring a lunch to the office. And when I do, often someone will call last minute and want to grab lunch. Many days I just don’t eat but then there are those days that I decide I’ll run out and eat something fast – either way, not a great idea. One of my “go to places” because of proximity to the church is Schlotzsky’s.

Monday was one of those days. It was a busy morning with Vacation Bible School and trying to get a handle on the week with evening meetings to plan. So once we dismissed the kids from VBS and the parking lot was once again sane, I decided to run to my spot for a quick sandwich and then back to the office to get ready for a big meeting that evening.

As I entered the line to order, I heard a little voice full of excitement coming from just over the half-wall that separates the dining area from the order counter. “Pastor Brian, Pastor Brian!” was coming from a little face peering over the wall. I turned to see Mae Mae (that’s what I call her) and returned the greeting with energy I did not realize I had at that point. She asked, “are you going to eat with us?”

While a lunch date with two little children and their parents was not in my regimented meal schedule, I said, “Well, are you inviting me?” She turned to her mom and with the approving nod, she turned back with a shriek and said, “sit by me, sit by me.” I don’t care who you are, there is no way to turn that invitation down!

After I ordered, I sat down between her and younger brother Boone and for the next 20 minutes or so, I had the most glorious time having multiple conversations going at one time. Mae Mae was talking, Boone was asking me questions, and I was visiting with mom and dad. It was quite stimulating and life giving. As I walked back to the Jeep when lunch was over, I thought to myself, that just made my day – possibly my week!

I tell that story to remind each of us that God is ready with moments that give us life. We never know where they may appear or what they may be but we need to be alert so we don’t miss them.

What moments will you make today? What holy moment can you offer to someone you meet?

Maybe you’ll be blessed with an impromptu lunch, sitting between a 4 year old on your left and a 5 year old on your right while visiting with their parents!

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As You Go

Yesterday, I continued the God-Sized Mission series with a sermon about living out our faith locally – right where we are. We have a tendency to read a passage like Matthew 28:19-20 and be inspired to go to other parts of the world to share the Good News and love of Jesus. That is certainly a part of the command to make disciples of ALL nations.

But a closer look at the way the words are used in those verses, teaches us that it is not an “over-there” kind of command. A better understanding is that we are to be making disciples “as we are going.” In other words, as we go about our daily lives, we are to reflect Jesus in all we do.

This does not start someday and some place, it starts this day and right here!

As a faithful Jesus follower, each of us is to be focused on living a lifestyle that honors Jesus. This lifestyle, along with the message we share, should inspire to and immerse others in the same lifestyle. How will you do that this day?

For us, we start Vacation Bible School this morning. We will have literally hundreds of opportunities to show the love of Jesus to children and their families right here in our building. I would say, in many ways, it will be easier to be on task this morning simply because our focus will be concentrated.

But what about the other days – the average, ho-hum, mundane days of our lives? It is on those days that our faithfulness and commitment shine through.

Today, in the mundane routine of your daily schedule, share Jesus.

A lifestyle of following him is a powerful message!

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We began a new series last Sunday titled, “God Sized Mission.” The foundational idea for this series is that God’s church does not have a mission as much as God’s mission has a church. The point to understand is that God’s mission is to redeem humanity and Jesus created the church to carry out that mission by making disciples.

The marching orders each of us were given before Jesus ascended are very clear. As we go about our daily lives, we are to be reaching others for Christ by the way we live, the way we love and the words we use. We are to make disciples who, in turn, make disciples. We are to do that by immersing new believers in the lifestyle of abiding with Jesus and we are to teach them to hold on to all that Jesus has taught us.

The mission of the church is clear – it is stated in the Great Commission. The way we go about carrying out His mission is often unique, dependent on our context. Most churches will never appeal to all people. Each church needs to realize her make up and strive to be faithful to who she is called to be. However, we must never get so caught up in being unique that we forget our mission.

Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20)

As you are going about your day today, how will God use you to make disciples?

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